Picture of the Northern LightsPicture of Clouds
JZ Logo

Jon Zimdars

Full Stack Software Developer

CSS Logo
Javascript Logo
Github Logo
MySQL Logo
PostgreSQL Logo
React Logo
Nextjs Logo

Recent Projects

I decided to become a software engineer after years of troubleshooting and configuring software through AGILE methodologies at Epic Systems. I enjoyed breaking down components into their most basic parts and creating a strategy to effectively resolve issues. While doing this I developed the desire to fix issues at their core while creating reusable tools that can be accessed throughout the software.

To progress as of software engineer, I enrolled in Hack Reactor's rigorous 13 week immersive program. During this time, I spent over 1000 hours learning technologies and tools to build out full stack applications. I utilized Javascript, Express, Postgres, MongoDB and a variety of other tools while working in teams to complete projects within strict deliverable timelines.

I am now pursuing a career in full-stack software development, where I hope to obtain my goal of creating efficient software that offers clean and concise functionality for users.

Tech Stack


  • Javascript
  • React
  • HTML5
  • CSS3


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • RESTful APIs
  • Nextjs
  • PostgreSQL


  • Jest
  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • AWS: EC2
  • Test Driven Development

Developer Tools

  • Git
  • npm
  • Webpack
  • Babile
  • Agile Methodology